include_once "../common.php";
//lowest bitcoin value is 1 sat
$mbtcDecimalPlaces = 5;
$btcDecimalPlaces = 8;
$min_sat = "1";
$min_mbtc = bcdiv("1", bcpow("10", (string)$mbtcDecimalPlaces), $mbtcDecimalPlaces);
$min_btc = bcdiv("1", bcpow("10", (string)$btcDecimalPlaces), $btcDecimalPlaces);
function isValidDecimal($input, $decimalPoints) {
if (!preg_match($pattern = '/^(-)?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,'.$decimalPoints.'})?$/', $input)) {
return false;
return true;
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' AND $_GET['ajax'] == '1') {
$data = [];
$sat = $_GET['sat'];
$mbtc = $_GET['mbtc'];
$btc = $_GET['btc'];
try {
if(is_numeric($sat)) {
if (bccomp($sat, $min_sat) < 0) {
throw new Exception("Minimum value is {$min_sat} sat.");
$sat_to_mbtc = $min_mbtc;
$sat_to_btc = $min_btc;
$to_sat = $sat;
$to_mbtc = bcmul($sat, $sat_to_mbtc, $mbtcDecimalPlaces );
$to_btc = bcmul($sat, $sat_to_btc, $btcDecimalPlaces );
} else if (is_numeric($mbtc)) {
if (!isValidDecimal($mbtc, $mbtcDecimalPlaces)) {
throw new Exception("Minimum value is {$min_mbtc} mbtc.");
} else if (bccomp($mbtc, $min_mbtc, $mbtcDecimalPlaces) < 0) {
throw new Exception("Minimum value is {$min_mbtc} mbtc.");
$mbtc_to_sat = bcdiv($min_sat , $min_mbtc);
$mbtc_to_btc = bcdiv($min_btc, $min_mbtc, $btcDecimalPlaces);
$to_sat = bcmul($mbtc, $mbtc_to_sat );
$to_mbtc = $mbtc;
$to_btc = bcmul($mbtc, $mbtc_to_btc, $btcDecimalPlaces );
} else if (is_numeric($btc)) {
if (!isValidDecimal($btc, $btcDecimalPlaces)) {
throw new Exception("Minimum value is {$min_btc} btc.");
} else if (bccomp($btc, $min_btc,$btcDecimalPlaces ) < 0) {
throw new Exception("Minimum value is {$min_btc} btc.");
$btc_to_sat = bcdiv($min_sat, $min_btc);
$btc_to_mbtc = bcdiv($min_mbtc, $min_btc, $mbtcDecimalPlaces);
$to_sat = bcmul($btc, $btc_to_sat );
$to_mbtc = bcmul($btc, $btc_to_mbtc, $mbtcDecimalPlaces );
$to_btc = $btc;
} else {
$data = ["error"=>"Value not valid."];
$data = ["to_sat"=>$to_sat, "to_btc"=>$to_btc, "to_mbtc"=>$to_mbtc];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$data = ["error"=>$e->getMessage()];
<form action='' method='post'>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="sat">Satoshi:</label>
<input class="form-control" type='text' name='sat' id='sat' value='<?php echo $_POST['sat']?>' onkeyup="
var errorHolder = $(this).closest('div').find('span');
url: '?ajax=1&sat=' + $(this).val(),
try {
j = eval('(' + result + ')');
if ('error' in j && j.error.length>0) {
var error = true;
} else {
var error = false;
if (!error) {
var to_sat = j.to_sat;
var to_mbtc = j.to_mbtc;
var to_btc = j.to_btc;
} else {
} catch(e) {
complete:function() {
<span style='color:red'></span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="mbtc">mBTC (millibitcoins):</label>
<input class="form-control" type='text' name='mbtc' id='mbtc' value='<?php echo $_POST['mbtc']?>' onkeyup="
var errorHolder = $(this).closest('div').find('span');
url: '?ajax=1&mbtc=' + $(this).val(),
try {
j = eval('(' + result + ')');
if ('error' in j && j.error.length>0) {
var error = true;
} else {
var error = false;
if (!error) {
var to_sat = j.to_sat;
var to_mbtc = j.to_mbtc;
var to_btc = j.to_btc;
} else {
} catch(e) {
complete:function() {
<span style='color:red'></span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="btc">BTC:</label>
<input class="form-control" type='text' name='btc' id='btc' value='<?php echo $_POST['btc']?>' onkeyup="
var errorHolder = $(this).closest('div').find('span');
url: '?ajax=1&btc=' + $(this).val(),
try {
j = eval('(' + result + ')');
if ('error' in j && j.error.length>0) {
var error = true;
} else {
var error = false;
if (!error) {
var to_sat = j.to_sat;
var to_mbtc = j.to_mbtc;
var to_btc = j.to_btc;
} else {
} catch(e) {
complete:function() {
<span style='color:red'></span>
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