Ethereum Bloom Filter

Bloom Filter is probabilistic and space saving data structure used for quick query. Ethereum applied this to search for existence of log item within a block or a transaction receipt.

Search result of Bloom Filter could be false positive, which mean item possibly in storage, to meet accurancy, further check is required.

Cool thing is it guarantees false negative won't happen, which mean item not found absolutely won't exist.

In conclusion, we say that Bloom Filter aims to gain performance over accurancy.

  • Storage size is 2048 bits or 256 bytes.
  • Each insert item consume 3 bits in storage.

Generate logsBloom

logsBloom inItems To Insert
Transaction Receipt Fill in address, topics[0], topics[1] and topics[2]. Call eth_getTransactionReceipt to get those items within `logs` param .
Block Fill in each details (address, topics[0], topics[1] and topics[2]) of transaction receipt within the block.
use kornrunner\Keccak;

include_once "../libraries/vendor/autoload.php";
include_once "eth_utils.php";
include_once "../libraries/bcbitwise.php";
include_once "html_iframe_header.php";

class BtcschoolsBloomFilter {
	private $value = "0";
	private $storageBits = 2048;
	private $requiredBits = 3;
	public function getLogsBloom(): string {
		$hexStringLen = ($this->storageBits / 8) * 2;
		return str_pad(bcdechex($this->value),$hexStringLen, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); 
	private function getBits(string $value): array {
		$hashValue = Keccak::hash(hex2bin($value), 256);
		$chunks = [];
		for($i=0; $i < $this->requiredBits;$i++) {
			$offset = ($i * 4);
			$chunks[] = substr($hashValue,$offset,4);
		$bits = [];
		foreach($chunks as $chunk) {
			list($high, $low) = str_split($chunk, 2);
			$high = hexdec($high);
			$low  = hexdec($low);
			$bits[] = bcBitwise::bcLeftShift("1", (string)(($low + ($high << 8)) & $this->storageBits-1));
		return $bits;
	public function insert(string $value): void {
		$bits = $this->getBits($value);
		foreach($bits as $bit) {
			$this->value = bcBitwise::bcOR($this->value, $bit);
	public function contain($logsBloom, $value): bool {
		$bits = $this->getBits($value);
		$checkPass = 0;
		foreach($bits as $bit) {
			if (bccomp(bcbitwise::bcAND(bchexdec($logsBloom),$bit), $bit) === 0) {
		return $checkPass == $this->requiredBits;

	$bf = new BtcschoolsBloomFilter();
	try {
		if ($_GET['type'] == 'generate') {
			$items = explode("\n", trim($_POST['items']));
			foreach($items as $k=>$item) {
				$item = trim($item);
				if (!ctype_xdigit($item)) {
					throw new Exception("Item[".($k+1)."] must be hex string without 0x prefix.");
			$result = $bf->getLogsBloom();
			<div class="alert alert-success">
				<h6 class="mt-3">logsBloom</h6>
				<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="comment" readonly><?php echo $result;?></textarea>
		} else if ($_GET['type'] == 'search') {
			if (!ctype_xdigit($_POST['logs_bloom'])) {
				throw new Exception("logsBloom must be hex string without 0x prefix.");
			} else if (!ctype_xdigit($_POST['search_item'])) {
				throw new Exception("Search item must be hex string without 0x prefix.");
			if ($bf->contain($_POST['logs_bloom'], $_POST['search_item']) === true) {
				<div class="alert alert-success">
					Result has found!
			} else {
				<div class="alert alert-danger">
					Result not found!
	} catch (Exception $e) {
		$errmsg .= "Problem found. " . $e->getMessage();

if ($errmsg) {
    <div class="alert alert-danger">
        <strong>Error!</strong> <?php echo $errmsg?>

<form id='this_form' action='?<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']?>' method='post'>
	if ($_GET['type'] == 'generate') {
	<div class="form-group">
		<label for="items">Items To Insert (item not necessary in order):</label>
		<textarea rows=10 class="form-control" name='items' id='items'><?php echo $_POST['items']?></textarea>
		Each item must key in by press "Enter" and place it as new line and insert item is not order-dependent.

	} else if ($_GET['type'] == 'search') {
	<div class="form-group">
        <label for="logs_bloom">logsBloom:</label>
        <input class="form-control" type='text' name='logs_bloom' id='logs_bloom' value='<?php echo $_POST['logs_bloom']?>'>
	<div class="form-group">
        <label for="search_item">Search Item:</label>
        <input class="form-control" type='text' name='search_item' id='search_item' value='<?php echo $_POST['search_item']?>'>
    <input type='submit' class="btn btn-success btn-block"/>

Search Item

use kornrunner\Keccak;

include_once "../libraries/vendor/autoload.php";
include_once "eth_utils.php";
include_once "../libraries/bcbitwise.php";
include_once "html_iframe_header.php";

class BtcschoolsBloomFilter {
	private $value = "0";
	private $storageBits = 2048;
	private $requiredBits = 3;
	public function getLogsBloom(): string {
		$hexStringLen = ($this->storageBits / 8) * 2;
		return str_pad(bcdechex($this->value),$hexStringLen, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); 
	private function getBits(string $value): array {
		$hashValue = Keccak::hash(hex2bin($value), 256);
		$chunks = [];
		for($i=0; $i < $this->requiredBits;$i++) {
			$offset = ($i * 4);
			$chunks[] = substr($hashValue,$offset,4);
		$bits = [];
		foreach($chunks as $chunk) {
			list($high, $low) = str_split($chunk, 2);
			$high = hexdec($high);
			$low  = hexdec($low);
			$bits[] = bcBitwise::bcLeftShift("1", (string)(($low + ($high << 8)) & $this->storageBits-1));
		return $bits;
	public function insert(string $value): void {
		$bits = $this->getBits($value);
		foreach($bits as $bit) {
			$this->value = bcBitwise::bcOR($this->value, $bit);
	public function contain($logsBloom, $value): bool {
		$bits = $this->getBits($value);
		$checkPass = 0;
		foreach($bits as $bit) {
			if (bccomp(bcbitwise::bcAND(bchexdec($logsBloom),$bit), $bit) === 0) {
		return $checkPass == $this->requiredBits;

	$bf = new BtcschoolsBloomFilter();
	try {
		if ($_GET['type'] == 'generate') {
			$items = explode("\n", trim($_POST['items']));
			foreach($items as $k=>$item) {
				$item = trim($item);
				if (!ctype_xdigit($item)) {
					throw new Exception("Item[".($k+1)."] must be hex string without 0x prefix.");
			$result = $bf->getLogsBloom();
			<div class="alert alert-success">
				<h6 class="mt-3">logsBloom</h6>
				<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="comment" readonly><?php echo $result;?></textarea>
		} else if ($_GET['type'] == 'search') {
			if (!ctype_xdigit($_POST['logs_bloom'])) {
				throw new Exception("logsBloom must be hex string without 0x prefix.");
			} else if (!ctype_xdigit($_POST['search_item'])) {
				throw new Exception("Search item must be hex string without 0x prefix.");
			if ($bf->contain($_POST['logs_bloom'], $_POST['search_item']) === true) {
				<div class="alert alert-success">
					Result has found!
			} else {
				<div class="alert alert-danger">
					Result not found!
	} catch (Exception $e) {
		$errmsg .= "Problem found. " . $e->getMessage();

if ($errmsg) {
    <div class="alert alert-danger">
        <strong>Error!</strong> <?php echo $errmsg?>

<form id='this_form' action='?<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']?>' method='post'>
	if ($_GET['type'] == 'generate') {
	<div class="form-group">
		<label for="items">Items To Insert (item not necessary in order):</label>
		<textarea rows=10 class="form-control" name='items' id='items'><?php echo $_POST['items']?></textarea>
		Each item must key in by press "Enter" and place it as new line and insert item is not order-dependent.

	} else if ($_GET['type'] == 'search') {
	<div class="form-group">
        <label for="logs_bloom">logsBloom:</label>
        <input class="form-control" type='text' name='logs_bloom' id='logs_bloom' value='<?php echo $_POST['logs_bloom']?>'>
	<div class="form-group">
        <label for="search_item">Search Item:</label>
        <input class="form-control" type='text' name='search_item' id='search_item' value='<?php echo $_POST['search_item']?>'>
    <input type='submit' class="btn btn-success btn-block"/>

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