Ethereum Tx Decoder

An Ethereum transaction decoder is a tool used to decode the information contained in an Ethereum transaction. Ethereum transactions are encoded in a specific format, and decoding them can be helpful for understanding the details of the transaction and verifying its contents.


include_once "../libraries2/vendor/autoload.php";

use Web3p\RLP\RLP;
use Web3\Utils;
use kornrunner\Ethereum\Transaction;

function convert($input) {
	list($quotient, $residue) = $input;
	$real = $quotient->toString().'.'.str_pad($residue->toString(), 18, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
	$real = rtrim($real,'0');
	$real = rtrim($real, '.');
	return $real;

function toHumanReadable($txParams, $txType) {
	if ($txType == "LEGACY") {
		$txParams[0] = $txParams[0] ?: '0';
		$txParams[0] = bchexdec($txParams[0]);
		//gas price
		$txParams[1] = bchexdec($txParams[1]);
		$txParams[1] .= " WEI or " . convert(Utils::toEther($txParams[1], 'wei')) . ' ETH';
		//gas limit
		$txParams[2] = bchexdec($txParams[2]);
		$txParams[3] = "0x".$txParams[3];
		$txParams[4] = $txParams[4] ?: '0';
		$txParams[4] = bchexdec($txParams[4]);
		$txParams[4] .= " WEI or " . convert(Utils::toEther($txParams[4], 'wei')) . ' ETH';
		$txParams[5] = $txParams[5] ?: '0';
		$txParams[5] = '0x'.$txParams[5];
		$txParams[6] = bchexdec($txParams[6]);
		$txParams[7] = '0x'.$txParams[7];
		$txParams[8] = '0x'.$txParams[8];
	} else if ($txType == "EIP1559") {
		//Chain Id
		$txParams[0] = $txParams[0] ?: '0';
		$txParams[0] = bchexdec($txParams[0]);
		$txParams[1] = $txParams[1] ?: '0';
		$txParams[1] = bchexdec($txParams[1]);
		//Max Priority Fee Per Gas
		$txParams[2] = bchexdec($txParams[2]);
		$txParams[2] .= " WEI or " . convert(Utils::toEther($txParams[2], 'wei')) . ' ETH';
		//Max Fee Per Gas
		$txParams[3] = bchexdec($txParams[3]);
		$txParams[3] .= " WEI or " . convert(Utils::toEther($txParams[3], 'wei')) . ' ETH';
		//Gas Limit
		$txParams[4] = bchexdec($txParams[4]);
		$txParams[5] = "0x".$txParams[5];
		$txParams[6] = $txParams[6] ?: '0';
		$txParams[6] = bchexdec($txParams[6]);
		$txParams[6] .= " WEI or " . convert(Utils::toEther($txParams[6], 'wei')) . ' ETH';
		$txParams[7] = $txParams[7] ?: '0';
		$txParams[7] = '0x'.$txParams[7];
		//Access List
		$txParams[8] = json_encode($txParams[8]);
		$txParams[9] = bchexdec($txParams[9]);
		$txParams[10] = '0x'.$txParams[10];
		$txParams[11] = '0x'.$txParams[11];

	return $txParams;

$result = '';
$txType = '';
	try {
		$rlp = new RLP;
		$txHexWoPrefix = (substr($_POST['tx_hex'],0,2) == '0x') ? substr($_POST['tx_hex'],2) : $_POST['tx_hex'];
		if (substr($txHexWoPrefix,0,2) == "02") {
			$result = $rlp->decode("0x".substr($txHexWoPrefix,2));
			$txType = "EIP1559";
		} else if (substr($txHexWoPrefix,0,2) == "01") {
			$result = $rlp->decode("0x".substr($txHexWoPrefix,2));
			$txType = "EIP2930";
		} else {
			$result = $rlp->decode("0x".$txHexWoPrefix);
			if (@count($result) == 9) {
				$txType = "LEGACY";
			} else {
				throw new Exception("Unknown Tx");
	} catch (Exception $e) {
        $errmsg .= "Problem found. " . $e->getMessage();

if ($errmsg) {
	<div class="alert alert-danger">
		<strong>Error!</strong> <?php echo $errmsg?>

if ($result) {
	<div class="alert alert-success"><strong>Success!</strong> Decoded successfully.</div>
	<h6>Raw Response From RLP Decoder</h6>
	echo "<pre>";
	echo "</pre>";
	if ($txType == "LEGACY") {
		$captions = ["Nonce", "Gas Price", "Gas Limit", "To", "Value", "Data", "V", "R", "S"];
		$formatteds = toHumanReadable($result, $txType);
	} else if ($txType == "EIP1559"){
		$captions = ["Chain Id", "Nonce", "Max Priority Fee Per Gas", "Max Fee Per Gas","Gas Limit", "To", "Value", "Data", "Access List", "V", "R", "S"];
		$formatteds = toHumanReadable($result, $txType);
	$combineds = array_combine($captions, $formatteds);
	<h6>Transaction Details</h6>
	<div class="table-responsive">
		<table border=1 class='table'>
			<tr><td>Tx Type</td><td><?php echo $txType?></td></tr>
			foreach($combineds as $caption=>$value) {
				<tr><td><?php echo $caption?></td><td><?php echo $value?></td></tr>
<form action='' method='post'>
	<div class="form-group">
		<label for="tx_hex">Data To Decode:</label>
		<input class="form-control" type='text' name='tx_hex' id='tx_hex' rows=10 value="<?php echo $_POST['tx_hex']?>">

	<input type='submit' class="btn btn-success btn-block"/>

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